Hvordan foregår en DEXA-scanning

How is a DEXA scan performed?

A DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan is a quick and simple method to measure your body composition, including bone mineral density, body fat percentage, and muscle mass. It is particularly useful for diagnosing osteoporosis and for assessing body composition in connection with weight loss or general health screenings.

How the scan is done

  1. Initial consultation: Before the scan itself, you will have a consultation with a doctor to determine which type of scan is appropriate for you. The scan may be focused on osteoporosis or full body composition.
  2. During the scan: The scan involves you lying still on a bed while a low-dose X-ray beam passes through your body. It usually only takes 15-20 minutes. There is no pain or discomfort associated with the examination.
  3. After the scan: Once the scan is complete, your results will be analyzed by radiology specialists. The results will provide detailed information about your bone mass, fat percentage, and muscle mass.
  4. Follow-up response: After the analysis, you will have a follow-up consultation where the results will be reviewed and a plan for further treatment or prevention may be made if there are signs of osteoporosis or other problems.

Why choose a DEXA scan?

A DEXA scan is the most accurate method of measuring bone mineral density and body composition. It is an ideal choice for those at risk of osteoporosis, as well as for people who want to monitor their fat and muscle mass in connection with a weight loss program or to optimize their health. At Valida Health, we work with leading specialists to ensure that you receive the best possible assessment and advice.

Who should consider a DEXA scan?

  • People over 50 years of age who are at risk of osteoporosis
  • Postmenopausal women
  • People who have had repeated bone fractures
  • People who want an accurate measurement of fat and muscle mass for health goals

Book a DEXA scan at Valida Health

At Valida Health, we offer DEXA scans in collaboration with Progardia, where your results are analyzed by experienced radiologists. You can get an accurate assessment of your body composition and take the necessary steps towards a healthier life. Book your scan today and gain insight into your bone and body composition.