MRI scans
MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI uses a very strong magnetic field and radio waves to look inside the body. No X-rays are used, making it safe to have a scan. MRI is best for looking at soft tissue, such as the brain and internal organs.
We offer MRI examinations of:
- Full body scan 15,000.00 kr
- Body parts/organs 3,700.00 kr
- Prostate 6,500.00 kr
Prices include initial consultation with a doctor, scanning, analysis by radiologists and review of results by a doctor.
Duration: 15-45 min. per scan. The scan is performed at Progardia (Middelfart)

DEXA scan
DEXA scanning is a very simple and quick examination that provides an accurate picture of how the body is composed. It allows, for example, to reveal whether you are developing osteoporosis or to accurately measure fat, muscle and bone percentage, which may be relevant in relation to a weight loss program or in connection with a health examination.
Two types of DEXA scans:
- Scan for osteoporosis.
- Full body scan (fat, muscle and bone mass).
Price 2500.00 kr
Duration: 15-20 minutes per scan. The scan is performed at Progardia (Middelfart.)

Clinical Mammography
A clinical mammogram is performed to look for lumps in the breast. The examination consists of:
- Mammography, which is an X-ray examination of the breasts
- Clinical examination, where the breasts are examined for lumps
- Ultrasound scan of the chest and armpits
During a mammogram, the breast is temporarily compressed between two plates, after which X-ray images are taken of each breast. After the examination, a radiologist reviews the images for any palpable changes and performs an ultrasound scan of the breasts. If a change is detected, a tissue sample (biopsy) is recommended for further examination. If necessary, the biopsy will be performed immediately.
Clinical mammography including ultrasound: DKK 3,000.00
Cyst drainage - DKK 1,500.
Fine needle biopsy - DKK 3,000.
Core needle biopsy - DKK 2,500.
Mammography can be performed in Copenhagen Central.
What does MRI stand for? Is it dangerous/harmful to be scanned?
MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance. MRI uses a very strong magnetic field and radio waves to look inside the body. No X-rays are used, so it is safe to be scanned. An MRI scan is very noisy, and you will therefore be offered hearing protection and/or earplugs. It will be possible to listen to music and watch “films” while being scanned.
Where in the body can MRI detect disease?
MRI is one of the best and most accurate methods that exist today for detecting diseases in most parts of the body.
- Neck and back - e.g. herniated disc, osteoarthritis, pressure on nerves, etc.
- All joints ( shoulder, elbow, knee, jaw, hands, feet, hip ) - e.g. damage to ligaments, muscles, soft tissues around the shoulder, damage to meniscus, bones, etc.
- Chest (ribs, lymph nodes) - e.g. nodes, inflammation, etc.
- The abdominal cavity (liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, small intestine, lymph nodes) - e.g. gallstones, inflammations, nodes, etc.
- Pelvis (uterus, fallopian tubes, rectum, bladder, lymph nodes) - e.g. inflammations, nodes, fibroids, etc.
- Blood vessels - e.g. narrowing, protrusions, etc.
What areas and organs can MRI scan for?
The Brain and Spinal Cord
The bone marrow
The lymph nodes
The knees
Thyroid gland
The liver
The hip
The gallbladder
The kidneys
The adrenal glands
The spleen
The pancreas
The bladder
The uterus
The ovaries
The testicles
Connective tissue
Prostate/bladder gland
Who can have an MRI scan?
Everyone - but not if you:
- has a pacemaker
- has implanted magnetic material
- are 1-12 weeks pregnant
In the above cases, MRI scanning cannot be performed.
Will I receive a subsidy from Denmark?
The Danish health insurance company provides subsidies to patients in group 2 with a total maximum of DKK 2,000 within 12 months for CT and MRI scans.
Does insurance cover MRI scans?
Many health insurance policies cover the cost of MRI scans. Ask your insurance company about their specific rules.
Which MRI scanner can you offer?
We collaborate with Progardia, which offers full-body MRI scanning in a 3 Tesla MRI scanner. This means that you get the absolute best scan the market has to offer – and performed by the best specialists in Denmark.
At Progardia, they have created a special patient-friendly environment at and around the MRI scanner.
Read more about MRI scanning at progardia here
I suffer from anxiety/claustophobia - can I have an MRI scan?
At progardia, the radiographers are specially trained in pedagogy with a focus on the vulnerable patient, such as children, claustrophobic patients and patients suffering from anxiety – and together with the patient-friendly environment, we have helped many of these groups to complete the MRI scan in a relaxed atmosphere.
Soothing and relaxing films are also offered during the scan, which are viewed via a mirror placed just above the field of view.
It is also possible to bring a relative into the scanner with you, with whom you can have eye contact via the mirror throughout the examination.
What is the difference between MRI and CT scan?
The techniques behind MRI and CT scans are different. CT scans are based on X-rays, while MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create images of the body's contents. The MRI scanner has the advantage of being able to create images in multiple planes (horizontal, vertical, oblique), whereas CT scans primarily only capture images in the transverse (axial) plane. The MRI scanner provides better contrast between normal and abnormal tissue than the CT scanner.
This makes it possible to reveal details that a CT scanner does not pick up.
What does a mammography test consist of?
A clinical mammogram is performed to look for lumps in the breast. The examination consists of:
- Mammography, which is an X-ray examination of the breasts
- Clinical examination, where the breasts are examined for lumps
- Ultrasound scan of the chest and armpits
When should clinical mammography be performed?
When should clinical mammography be performed:
- In case of a lump/palpable change in the breast
- For newly occurring skin or nipple indentation
- In case of spontaneous bleeding or clear fluid from the nipple
- Post-inflammation in non-breastfeeding women
- For sores on the nipple that won't heal
- As part of monitoring after surgery for breast cancer
- In genetically predisposed individuals
- For persistent unilateral swollen lymph nodes in the armpit
- In case of findings in the breasts, for example during CT or PET scans
What are the examination requirements for mammography?
Clinical mammography is performed exclusively on patients referred by a doctor/hospital.
Duration: Approximately ½-1 hour.
The study takes place at Progardia (Copenhagen S)
What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones and is thought to affect one in three women and one in six to eight men over the age of 50.
Although the disease does not show any visible external signs, the bones gradually weaken from the inside. This results in bones that become porous and weak, which increases the risk of fractures. People with osteoporosis often experience fractures in the vertebrae, wrists and hip (femoral neck) as the bones become so decalcified and fragile. This is why it is known as osteoporosis.