• Create your membership

    Choose one of our courses. We will then send you an email with more information.

  • Initial consultation

    We review and plan a customized course based on your needs and goals.

  • Your weight loss starts

    Once we have determined your course together, a prescription will be written so you can start your weight loss.

  • Ongoing follow-up

    Possibility of fixed agreements every 3 months. Where we can regulate the process based on your development.

NOTE: Your weight loss process can take place both physically and online.

Your options:

Weight loss course Basic

Tailored course
300,00 DKK /mdr


Prescription for weight loss medication
Prescription renewal and adjustment of your treatment
Personal contact person who supports and guides you
Regular followup conversation either through video call or in person every 3 months
Including the possibility of purchasing relevant blood samples
Injection technique guide
Easy access to all healthcare services Valida Health can offer
Health check every 3 months incl.
Relevant blood tests
Blood pressure and pulse
Weight, height and BMI calculation
Open referral to a clinical dietitian specializing in weight loss
Start now

Weight Loss Program Premium

Tailored & holistic course
700,00 DKK /mdr


Prescription for weight loss medication
Prescription renewal and adjustment of your treatment
Personal contact person who supports and guides you
Regular followup conversation either through video call or in person every 3 months
Including the possibility of purchasing relevant blood samples
Injection technique guide
Easy access to all healthcare services Valida Health can offer
Health check every 3 months incl.
Relevant blood tests
Blood pressure and pulse
Weight, height and BMI calculation
Open referral to clinical dietitian specializing in weight loss
Start now

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the typical side effects of taking weight loss medication?

Side effects can vary depending on your prescribed medication. Approximately 20-40% experience side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, and nausea.

These side effects are usually short-lived. Our experienced healthcare professionals at Valida Health are trained to help you manage side effects by adjusting your dosage and adjusting your diet.

Most members experience few or no side effects, and our staff are available 24/7 for advice and guidance when you need it. We are here to ensure your health and well-being.

How quickly will I lose weight with medical weight loss treatment?

After your first 12 weeks of medical weight loss treatment at Valida Health, you will typically have lost at least 5% of your body weight.

Our members lose an average of about 15% of their body weight over 6 months.

Can I be pregnant during your treatment course?

At Valida Health, we recommend that you use contraception during intercourse if you are undergoing treatment with our medical weight loss program. If you plan to become pregnant while undergoing treatment, you must stop treatment 2 months beforehand.

We do not recommend that pregnant or breastfeeding women use medical weight loss.

Who can get medical weight loss treatment?

Medical weight loss is a form of treatment designed for people who are moderately to severely overweight and want to lose weight and improve their health.

To be eligible for medical weight loss at Valida Health, your BMI must be 30. In some cases, our treatment can be offered at a BMI of as low as 25 if you are experiencing beginning symptoms of comorbidities such as:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Joint pain
  • Diabetes
  • Pre-diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • Sleep apnea
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

If you have type 2 diabetes, we recommend that you contact your treating physician, as you may be entitled to reimbursement for the medication.

How does the medicine work?

Medicines based on GLP-1 reduce your appetite and prolong the feeling of fullness. GLP-1 is a naturally occurring hormone in the body that is released in the gut during meals. This hormone binds to receptors in the brain and induces a feeling of fullness, which leads to reduced eating behavior and thus weight loss.

The medication is administered through a painless injection into the abdomen or thigh. We recommend a gradual approach by starting with the lowest dose, then increasing the dosage in consultation with our doctors. Together we will identify the optimal dose that best meets your individual needs.